Hi [name],

I hope you are well, and just wanted to send a courtesy email following your successful completion of the Loyalty & Retention Marketing course!

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions regarding the content we presented, either to Ellipsis or The Loyalty Academy.

If you’ve not yet completed the feedback, please do so here (https://www.research.net/r/IQcourse), we really value your comments and this helps us to keep the course content as relevant as possible.

Your details are now with The Loyalty Academy and you can view the final subjects required to gain CLMP accreditation here. (https://loyaltyacademy.org/courses/)

With your permission we will add you to our database to receive our quarterly white papers which include topical loyalty and retention marketing insights. Please let me know if you prefer not to receive this communication.

I am also available if you wish to know more about Ellipsis and the services we provide, or if you have any questions regarding projects you might be working on.

Best regards,


Alex Lehwaldt l Senior Consultant l +61 479 153 606



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