Hi [name], Are customers more valuable if they are happy with their experience with you? I wanted to let you know about the April breakfast event we are hosting with our expert ‘Voice of Customer’ partner, Resonate Solutions. We discuss how to prove your investments in CX generate a positive ROI. We will also share how to use rich customer marketing models, incorporating customer experience and transactional data, to predict behaviour. Plus, we discuss new trends in CX measurement including facial analytics that will only enrich these models. The event will take place on Wednesday 10th April, from 7.30-9:30am, at The Ivy Sunroom, there is no charge to attend. To attend, just click here to register. Team members are also welcome to register and attend with, or on your behalf. Looking forward to seeing you for breakfast! Warm regards, David David Parsons | Managing Partner | Ellipsis & Company | M +61 417 879 923