
Surprise and Delight in Loyalty
Surprise and Delight in Loyalty 12 May 2016 Find out how to best use Surprise and Delight in your loyalty strategy without creating costly feelings of entitlement, and even to rescue high value customers after a poor service... Learn More
Data Governance 101
Data Governance 101 12 May 2016 Guest Article by Data Republic. Find out what’s preventing you from creating a data-driven culture and get advice on data governance in this new ebook from Data Republic. ... Learn More
Journey Mapping And Employee Engagement
Journey Mapping And Employee Engagement 18 February 2016 SuiteCX Guest Article. One of the most compelling reasons to conduct a journey mapping exercise is to get employees in the room and find ways to make a positive organisational... Learn More
One Cadillac or Six
One Cadillac or Six 03 February 2016 ‘One Cadillac or Six?’ takes away the mystery of understanding and measuring ‘customer lifetime value’. We reveal how life time value can be the starting point for growing your... Learn More
Loyalty Alchemy: Turning Points into Gold
Loyalty Alchemy: Turning Points into Gold 02 March 2015 Using points to treat different customers differently is what we call CustomerScience®. Converting stored value into a proposition which is meaningful for each customer. Learn More
What's the Big Deal about Journey Mapping
What's the Big Deal about Journey Mapping 05 January 2015 Journey maps allow you to specify the possible peaks and troughs in the experience you are providing your customers. We also call these peaks the ‘Moments-of-Truth’ (MOTs). Learn More
A Short History of Customer Experience (CX)
A Short History of Customer Experience (CX) 06 October 2014 Delivering a consistently good customer experience requires the execution of a hierarchy of sequenced requirements, analogous to Maslow's hierarchy of needs in that each level must be satisfied. Learn More
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